Monday, March 3, 2008

Marketing With Teleconferences

The marketing world has been quickly learning the importance of teleconferences. Once upon a time a marketer would have to touch one person at a time to get them to hear their pitch, or travel to another city to talk to a group. Now they can contact a number of people at once through teleconferences. Sometimes called teleseminars, teleconferences are a great way to explain their product or program to a number of people who call into the teleconferences.

Versus just sending people information and hoping they call, conducting teleconferences lets them hear you in person, and lets you sell them your product in an environment that feels like it̢۪s one-on-one, even though it's not. Teleconferences use that personal feeling of talking on the phone to your advantage. If you were to hold a traditional seminar, people would just feel like 'another body in the room' but when they hold that phone to their ear in teleconferences, they feel as if you are speaking just to them. The closeness of teleconferences is a great boost to your sales presentation.

From your standpoint, teleconferences are a time and money saver. By doing your pitch through teleconferences, you don't have to travel city to city to give your presentation. That means teleconferences save you the time and expense of travel, time you could be spending on other profitable ventures.

Through teleconferences you can do all the things you would usually do at a seminar. The participants of the teleconferences can hear your presentation, ask questions through the teleconferences service, and learn everything they would have in a meeting room.

When you're ready to make your marketing system faster and more profitable, look into teleconferences service providers like The Conference Space,, who can set you up with all the services you need to touch many more potential customers.

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